Thursday, January 6, 2011

Reading List

Hey y'all!

I love reading, as most of you know. Every free moment I get at work I have my nose stuck in a book. We dont have Internet access or cell phones on the floor so reading is my way of passing the extra time. I am almost finished with The Preppy Hand Book :)

And I am just loving it!

Next in my desk is True Prep

My question to my readers is what should I be reading next? Real books, like novels are hard to get into as I get phone calls interrupting me every 40 sec or so, so something light and fun and preppy would be perfect. Whats your favorite preppy book?


Anonymous said...

I just started reading True Prep over Christmas! It is absolutely divine. <3

Michelle said...

I am so glad you read the 1st one because I think without it True Prep isn't quite complete!

A couple of other oldies but always goodies are Maryln Schwartz "A Southern Belle Primer or Why Princess Margaret will never be a Kappa Kappa Gamma" and "New Times in the Old South or Why Scarlett's in Therapy and Tara's Going Condo" will enjoy!

Anonymous said...

I haven't read either of these books but I may have to add them to my reading list. I always have my nose stuck in a book too. I'm a new follower.

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