A few days ago one of my wonderful twitter followers asked me if I blogged. I had to say no, because, though I have this blog, I rarely use it. But I think I should make a habit of doing it, at least a few times a week.
if you read back through the old posts, there is stuff about all sorts of things. I dont think im going to give this a theme per say, but Ill just have it be about me.
Im 23 and I have almost graduated from college. I am taking 11 hours of summer school classes in 4.5 weeks - so the term stressed doesnt even begin to cover what Im feeling. I have 4 days left of school and then Im done.
In July, when my lease runs out, Im planning to move to the city where my boyfriend lives. Weve been dating long distance since December and I really just cant take it anymore. I am nervous to move there because Ive never dated someone who lived close by - not sure why. So this will be the first time. Im excited but also very nervous. I dont know anyone in the town except for him & his roommates. Im currently trying to find a roommate to live with, but living 4 hours away makes it really hard.
Im considering just getting a single loft apartment and living alone for a few months, maybe getting a dog. I know I would miss having a roommate, but unless I find one soon, I wont have any choice.
I am planning to go back to school at UWG, to take some post baccalaureate classes. Im doing this because a) ive been in school for the past 21 years of my life, so its all I know b) this way Ill be able to use the college gym, and go to events and things and c) im hoping Ill be able to get very involved.
I held myself back in my undergrad career with getting involved because I was always dating someone long distance and I didnt want to be so busy that I didnt have time for them. this of course, was a major mistake, but Im planning on fixing it :)
Im also hoping to start a chapter of my service sorority when I get to UWG. Im not sure how Im going to go about doing that, but I think it would be a good way to meet a lot of friends and Id like to help my sorority expand.
DIARY No. 126
22 hours ago
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